EBSCO Discovery Service upgrade (24 June 2024)

In response to feedback from users we are making some changes to our EBSCO Discovery Service. This is the system that helps you locate materials beyond our catalogue.

Currently, users have to create an account in order to save any searches, or results of those searches, and to use functions such as search alerts. Often users forget to sign in before pressing the save icons, then the items are not saved to their account. Adding SSO integration means that once you are signed in with your usual university login, the one you use to authenticate and use any library and other UoP systems, you will no longer have to set up a separate account with EBSCO.

Everything you save will be tied to your university login. If you have saved items in your account you may wish to merge your old account with your university login. You can do this by following the instructions on the website. We recommend saving or exporting all of your data before the changeover on Monday 24 June, then after the 24 June you can follow the second stage of the instructions to merge your accounts together (once the SSO is in place). You cannot merge before the 24 June.

We are also taking this opportunity to move to the updated Discovery interface. This is more user friendly, and is under a scheme of continuous improvement by EBSCO. This means functionality will be updated over the next year or so to improve your experience. We are making both changes at once to minimise disruption.

Items saved to your existing MyEbscoHost account will not automatically be migrated to your University login profile during the upgrade.  If you would like to migrate your saved items, you may merge your old and new accounts using the instructions below.  We recommend you complete this in two stages:

Before 24 June - export all the data from your existing account. 

After 24 June - merge the data from your old account into your new account.  You will not be able to merge your accounts until after 24 June.

After 24 June 2024, log into your EBSCO Discovery Service account.  Choose the Continue personalised option.

Screenshot of the one time welcome screen for the new Discovery Service

Follow these steps to merge your existing and new EBSCO accounts:

1. Go to MyEbsco at the top right.  Click on Manage your account

Account sign-in


2. On the next screen, scroll down to merge accounts and choose Get started.

Merge accounts dialogue box 

3. Click Sign in to your second account.

Sign into your second account dialogue box


4. Enter the username and password you used for your personal account for saving articles and searches in the previous version of the EBSCO Discovery Service.


5. Confirm the accounts you are merging are correct and click the Merge Account Data button.

Merge accounts screenshot


6. Click Continue to confirm you wish to continue with the merge of your accounts.

Account merge confirmation dialogue box


7. Your accounts will merge, your saved searches, articles and videos should appear in your new Ebsco account shortly.

Confirmation dialogue box


Please email library@port.ac.uk if you have any problems.