Useful map related links

Listed below are links to other map-related sites that you may find useful. Please contact the Map Librarian if you find an interesting site that could be included here. 

Portsmouth is one of the most mapped places in Britain. Below is a selection of historic map images that can be found online. Note that some early maps show planned defences rather than structures actually built. For detailed descriptions of early maps of Portsmouth see Hodson, D. (1978). Maps of Portsmouth before 1801: a catalogue. City of Portsmouth.

In October 2020 the British Library released 17,000 images of maps and views from George III’s Topographical Collection (K.Top) on the image-sharing site Flickr Commons. You can search for specific items via Explore. Add ‘George III’ to your search term in order to bring up only maps and views in the K.Top collection. When you have found the record for the item you require, select ‘I Want this’ and then look for 'Digitised item Go', which will take you to the relevant image(s) on Flickr. [Note: since the cyber-attack on the British Library, this search option is not currently available]

An additional 32,000 images were released in July 2021, comprising George III’s collection of atlases and albums of views, plans, diagrams, reports and surveys, produced between 1550 and 1820. You can view the full collection on Flickr by visiting the Topographical collection of King George III.

16th Century

1545 [Plan of the fortifications of the town of Portsmouth]
This is the earliest map of any town in Britain to be drawn entirely to scale. [Note: The link has not worked since the cyber attack on the BL in Oct 23. Last checked Oct 24]

18th Century

1716 A Plan of Portsmouth, and parts adjacent, finish'd in the year 1716 (Edwards, Talbot)

1725 A Survey of Portsea Island

c.1726 A plan of the town and fortifications of Portsmouth

1743 A plan of Portsmouth and the harbour (Desmaretz, J.P.)

1750 A plan of the town and fortifications of Portsmouth, with the Blockhouse Fort and the Gunwharfe (Desmaretz, J.P.)
This map can be viewed as an overlay on a modern base map by visiting the British Library's Georeferencer:

c.1750 A Plan of Portsmouth and Gosport (Desmaretz, J.P.)

1750 A plan of Portsmouth and its harbour (Desmaretz, J.P.)

1754 A geometrical plan and west elevation of His Majesty's Dockyard near Portsmouth (Thomas Milton)

1757 Plan of Gosport (Desmaretz, J.P.)

1773 Plan of the Island of Portsea, shewing the present fortifications of Portsmouth, Gosport, lines and out-forts

1780s A map of the encampments near Portsmouth, 1 July-18 November 1782

1797 Portsmouth

19th Century

1895 Portsmouth

20th Century

1913 Portsmouth & Southampton Ordnance Survey 1:63,360 Third Revision

Portsmouth WWII Bomb Raids
Interactive map of Portsmouth that shows where high explosive bombs fell during the Blitz.