Celebrating Diversity & Decolonising the Curriculum

Our Library supports equality, diversity and inclusion across our provision, including spaces and collections. We have been working to diversify our printed and online collections for some years now but if there is something you think we are missing, please let us know by mailing library@port.ac.uk 

If you need support to access what we offer, please see this section of our website.

We hope the resources listed in the sections below help you discover items for diversifying and decolonising your work, whether you are a student or lecturer.


Explore 20 collections of documents, including minutes of meetings and conferences, press releases, fliers, brochures, press clippings, US government memoranda and reports, private correspondence, surveys and photos.

Watch this quick introduction to the archive - please note we only subscribe to Part 1 which contains British material as well as coverage from North America.

Access thousands of items from archives based mainly in the USA but also including the UK, Ireland, Spain and Brazil. The largest collections are photos, clippings and newsletters but you will also find correspondence, speeches, posters and ephemera.

Explore primary sources for gender history, women's suffrage, the feminist movement, the men's movement, the body, domesticity and the family. The records available include some from pressure groups giving details of 20th century lobbying and activism.

Watch this 40 minute webinar to understand more about the content available.

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Online resources from this society in San Francisco, which is recognised as a leader in the field of LGBTQ public history.

Overview of special collections and archives relating to LGBT issues held at the London School of Economics Library. Although most of the collections are held in print within the LSE, this site links to very detailed descriptions of the lives of those mentioned, as well as further information about what is in each archive.

This site charts the struggles for love, identity and legislative change faced by LGBTQ communities in the UK from 1500 onwards via items from the BL collections.

fully searchable in EBSCO Discovery

An extensive range of primary and secondary sources, plus thematic essays on multiple aspects of feminism from 1776 to 1928.

A collection of 205 oral history interviews conducted between 1974 and 1981 covering the suffrage movement in Edwardian Britain but then widening to discussion of women's lives and experience as the 20th century progressed. Scroll down to find all the recordings.

Women and Social Movements in Modern Empires since 1820 explores prominent themes in world history since 1820: conquest, colonization, settlement, resistance, and post-coloniality, as told through women’s voices. With a clear focus on bringing the voices of the colonized to the forefront, this highly-curated archive and database includes documents related to the Habsburg Empire, the Ottoman Empire, the British, French, Italian, Dutch, Russian, Japanese, and United States Empires, and settler societies in the United States, New Zealand and Australia.

fully searchable in EBSCO Discovery

Search the backfiles of leading women's magazines from the late-19th century through to 2005. Titles include Company, Cosmopolitan, Good Housekeeping, Parents, Prima, Seventeen and She from the UK, US and Canada. If you want to search just the UK versions, go to Advanced Search, then scroll to Place of Publication and tick London. Access more recent content via PressReader.

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Authentication required for off-campus access

fully searchable in EBSCO Discovery

A major collection on women's history held within the London School of Economics and Political Science Library but available to those who need to use it.