News Articles & Notices for
Discovery Service and other EBSCO databases reported to be working slowly
Posted: Wed, 30th Jan 2019
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Resolved Jan 30th 2019 16:25
We are pleased to report that the Discovery Service and other EBSCO databases are now working normally again.
If you continue to experience any significant lag or any other problems, please do not hesitate to get in touch.
EBSCO have warned that the Discovery Service together with other eresources provided by EBSCO and recognisable by the familar Discovery Service style interface, may be working unusually slowly, having unusually long loading speeds at the moment. EBSCO engineering teams are investigating the problem. We will update you with progress reports as these become available.
We apologise for any inconvenience caused. Please ask us if you would like advice on alternative, unaffected eresources that might be useful for your study or research.
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