
For quick access to high quality information for your assignments, try the links on these pages.

Set up the University VPN system to access these resources any time, anywhere! 

On trial until 11th July 2024: Early English Books Online (EEBO) via ProQuest - once you have a paragraph about EEBO on screen, look at the bottom line where it says Cross searchable on ProQuest and click ProQuest to get through to the books

Scroll to find sections on Film and Culture, Social Issues including Race, Gender and Diversity or War and Politics

Access the annual reports and other publications of the UK's Commission for Racial Equality from the 1970s - 2008.

Explore 20 collections of documents, including minutes of meetings and conferences, press releases, fliers, brochures, press clippings, US government memoranda and reports, private correspondence, surveys and photos.

Watch this quick introduction to the archive - please note we only subscribe to Part 1 which contains British material as well as coverage from North America.

Access thousands of items from archives based mainly in the USA but also including the UK, Ireland, Spain and Brazil. The largest collections are photos, clippings and newsletters but you will also find correspondence, speeches, posters and ephemera.

Disability in the Modern World: History of a Social Movement encompasses an international set of resources to enrich study in a wide range of disciplines from media studies to philosophy.

Explore primary sources for gender history, women's suffrage, the feminist movement, the men's movement, the body, domesticity and the family. The records available include some from pressure groups giving details of 20th century lobbying and activism.

Watch this 40 minute webinar to understand more about the content available.

This video introduces you to what's available

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Authentication required for off campus access

Read and listen to the testimonies of over 100 women who took part in the protests against US cruise missiles being held at RAF Greenham Common in Berkshire starting in 1981 and lasting 19 years. Photographs and music from the protests are also available.

Features of the site include a timeline, links to personal stories/memories, photographic archives etc. The Resources link at the top right of the site leads to a wide range of links relating to women's organisations and activism in the UK and beyond

Launched in 1981 by the University of Sussex as a rebirth of the original 1937 Mass Observation, this aims to document the social history of Britain by recruiting volunteers to write about their lives and opinions. It is one of the most important sources available for qualitative social data in the UK. This collection consists of the directives (questionnaires) sent out by Mass Observation in the 1980s/1990s and the thousands of responses from the hundreds of Mass Observers on topics such as elections, Europe, AIDS, the miners' strike, Britishness, the fall of the Berlin Wall, TV soaps, family life, education, the National Lottery, the Stephen Lawrence Enquiry, the death of Diana, Princess of Wales.

Watch this quick overview of the material covering the 1990s.

Please note that we have the sections covering the 1980s and 1990s.

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Authentication required for off campus access

fully searchable in EBSCO Discovery

A key source about daily life in the 20th century. You can look at topic collections (1938-65) on juvenile delinquency, holidays, leisure, industry etc., or view diary entries (1939-51) and day surveys. File reports (1937-1972) cover subjects such as propaganda, morale, popular culture, food, shopping, sex, fashion and much more.

Watch this 90 second video to find out about the interactive chronology you can access within Mass Observation.

Watch this short introductory video.

Additional access instructions:

Use VPN for off campus access

This site unpacks the issues of migration, identity and diversity facing contemporary societies. It features information, stories, images and learning resources, with links and further reading to follow up. Read about new research on the histories and cultures of Britain's diverse communities. The Migration Histories section looks at some major historical migrations and how they have helped shape the UK.

This archive from the Modern Records Centre at the University of Warwick, lets you access documents starting with Jewish East London in the 1880s, moving through British ports 1910s-1930s, West Indian migration 1948-58, South Asian and Ugandan Asian migration in the 1970s to Race, policing and the 1980s riots. Although many documents can be accessed online, some are only available in printed form in Warwick.

fully searchable in EBSCO Discovery

An extensive range of primary and secondary sources, plus thematic essays on multiple aspects of feminism from 1776 to 1928.

A collection of 205 oral history interviews conducted between 1974 and 1981 covering the suffrage movement in Edwardian Britain but then widening to discussion of women's lives and experience as the 20th century progressed. Scroll down to find all the recordings.

fully searchable in EBSCO Discovery

A major collection on women's history held within the London School of Economics and Political Science Library but available to those who need to use it.

Access a digitised collection of annual reports, pamphlets and newspapers held at the LSE but made available to everyone.


Your Subject Team

 Anne Worden

Faculty Librarian

email Anne.Worden@port.ac.uk

phone (023) 9284 3243

 Sharon Bittner

Assistant Faculty Librarian

email sharon.bittner@port.ac.uk

phone (023) 9284 3234