
For quick access to high quality information for your assignments, try the links on these pages.

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• Nexis Uni 

Full text articles from many news sources and trade journals both UK and international. Archives sometimes stretching back to the mid 1980s.

Additional access instructions:

For use in the UK only

Access current UK and international newspapers and magazines in full colour, plus a 365 day archive. Sync across devices once you're registered.

This video gives you a brief overview of what's available.

Additional access instructions:

• TES 

The most well-known UK weekly magazine aimed at teachers (includes job ads)

A weekly news magazine covering higher education in the UK but also including some international content


Your Subject Team

 Anne Worden

Faculty Librarian


phone (023) 9284 3243

 Sharon Bittner

Assistant Faculty Librarian


phone (023) 9284 3234