
This page will help you get more out of your Library resources for your assignments, projects and dissertations in Biology

Independent Research - getting started

How to identify different sources of information and links to useful books and ebooks.

Independent Research - beyond the basics

How to develop and apply advanced search techniques using a range of specialist resources including databases. Links to online resources from organisations and professional bodies.

The library Referencing webpage provides lots of useful help and support on all referencing styles.

The Reference Management Tools library webpage is useful if you would like to find links for Mendeley, Endnote and other reference management software. The page links to help and support including step-by-step guides.


The 3rd year Marine Biology Fisheries & Aquaculture (M30001) module requires Harvard style referencing for the Fisheries Management Plan (FMP) Assessment. This style of referencing is not widely used across the University of Portsmouth so the Library cannot provide in depth support but you can find guidance on how to use Harvard referencing for this assignment via this website:

Your Subject Team

 Hannah Britcher

Faculty Librarian


 Marie Smith

Assistant Faculty Librarian
