
For quick access to high quality information for your assignments, try the links on these pages.

Set up the University VPN system to access these resources any time, anywhere! 

On trial until 11th July 2024: Early English Books Online (EEBO) via ProQuest - once you have a paragraph about EEBO on screen, look at the bottom line where it says Cross searchable on ProQuest and click ProQuest to get through to the books

For many assignments, our Discovery Service will give you enough articles to work with.

Sometimes you may want to try specific databases or journals - perhaps your lecturer has recommended particular names as a good way of finding articles. This section lists key sources for History:

A highly respected, peer-reviewed journal which includes articles on all aspects of history since 1500. This journal is always one of the most used by Portsmouth students.

One of the world's leading peer-reviewed history journals.

Each year this peer-reviewed journal covering post-1918 history tops the charts for Portsmouth students. It covers a broad range of historical approaches including social, economic, political, diplomatic, intellectual and cultural.

The leading American peer-reviewed journal for the study of European intellectual, political, and cultural history since the Renaissance. The JMH explores not only events and movements in specific countries, but also broader questions that span particular times and places.

A key, peer-reviewed journal for social history topics - very popular with Portsmouth students.

fully searchable in EBSCO Discovery

The key journal for naval and maritime history - our subscription lets you access articles from 1911 onwards.

The leading peer-reviewed journal concentrating on oral history.

A well established, peer-reviewed journal which is always popular with Portsmouth students.

A key, peer-reviewed journal covering women's history from the 19th century onwards.


Your Subject Team

 Anne Worden

Faculty Librarian

email Anne.Worden@port.ac.uk

phone (023) 9284 3243

 Sharon Bittner

Assistant Faculty Librarian

email sharon.bittner@port.ac.uk

phone (023) 9284 3234