Library service standards

The University of Portsmouth Library is committed to delivering Customer Service Excellence in all areas of our work. These Library Service Standards are monitored and reported on a monthly basis. The Standards work alongside our Customer Charter to show our customers what they can expect from our services.

We welcome your feedback on these Standards and all aspects of our service.

We will ensure that our building is open and welcoming and that all our physical library spaces are comfortable, clean, safe and well maintained. 

The Library is open:

The library will be open for the advertised opening hours.

Changes to standard; opening hours and services will be published on the library website at least one month in advance.

The space is clean:

The cleanliness of the library space will be maintained by:

  • Full building clean everyday between 6.30 and 9.30 
  • Toilets cleaned 3 x a day  
  • Rubbish is collected 3 x a day  

The space is safe:

We will ensure the safety of our customers in our building through the provision of a Security Team on site during all open hours to oversee access, patrol the building and monitor texts or calls to the University Library’s incident reporting number. 

Continuous improvement of Library spaces:

We will actively seek ways of monitoring issues with the Library environment and take action to improve our spaces as a result of this.

  • Monitoring of security incident forms
  • 2 x per academic year - sample week review of emails associated with building issues and their resolutions
  • Annual review of service level agreements associated with equipment and software used by the Library