SCONUL Access is a scheme which allows many university library users to borrow or use books and journals at other participating libraries. It is the largest borrowing and reference scheme in the UK and Republic of Ireland.
If you are:
- an academic on an open or fixed term contract
- a postgraduate research student registered for a PhD, MPhil or similar qualification
- a part-time, distance learning and placement student
- or a full-time postgraduate
and your university or college is a member of the scheme, you may be able to borrow from other college or university libraries.
If you are:
- a full-time undergraduate student
- or staff of a small number of higher education libraries not participating in the scheme
and your university or college is a member of the scheme, you may be able to use the resources of other college and university libraries for reference.
Further details of the scheme can be found on SCONUL website: