University Library opening hours
Scan in via the turnstiles with your university card to gain access whenever the Library is open. If you do not have your university card, you can obtain a temporary pass.
Please note:
- the Library Coffee Shop operates different opening hours listed on the Catering Services web page. Do not assume the coffee shop is open whenever the Library is.
- When staff are not available, you can still contact us via our online chat services.
- Opening Hours are subject to change
Click on the blue bar below to see the Opening Hours for a particular period
Library Building
Reception Desk
IT Help Desk
Good Friday
24 hours
Security only
Easter Saturday
24 hours
Security only
Easter Sunday
24 hours
Security only
Easter Monday
24 hours
Security only
From Friday 18th March until Tuesday 22nd April our Online Chat Service will be staffed by our out-of-hours librarians who are located around the world. They are highly skilled and will be able to answer most enquiries or will refer your query onto UoP Library staff who will reply on Tuesday 22nd April.
Any Emails received after 4pm on Thursday 17th April will also be answered on Tuesday 22nd April.