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Students in History use Chicago 17th edition referencing which is supported by your academic department, not the library. Once you are familiar with the standard conventions of Chicago 17th, you may wish to use reference generators as outlined below to speed up the process but make sure you choose Chicago 17th (Notes & Bibliography) rather than (Author-Date). 

All reference generators make errors! 

Ensure you check and edit your references before submitting your work.  Here are some common errors.

There are many different ways to generate Chicago 17th citations - make sure you choose Chicago 17th (Notes & Bibliography) rather than (Author-Date):

  • Quick options:
    • Look for a "Cite" button in EBSCO databases like Discovery, or in Ebook Central, Statista, Google Scholar etc.
  • Advanced options:
    • See our referencing tools page. The humanities and social sciences librarian supports the use of EndNote Online.

We do not advise using the referencing tool in Word.

Your Subject Team

 Anne Worden

Faculty Librarian

email Anne.Worden@port.ac.uk

 Sharon Bittner

Assistant Faculty Librarian

email sharon.bittner@port.ac.uk