OSCOLA referencing style is used when submitting work for a module for the School of Law. Due to the complexity of particular sources, some entries are very detailed. Make sure to fully read each page.
If the author is not named, begin the footnote with the title. If the reference is to an editorial, the author is cited as Editorial. If the article is sourced from the internet and there is no page numbering, provide the web site address and date of access.
Footnote form
Author, 'Article Title' Name of Newspaper (City of publication, day Month year) first page number of article, pinpoint page if required.
For examples, click on the More button.
Footnote examples
1 'Caffeine Linked to Mental Illness' New York Times (New York, 13 July 1991) 21.
2 Editorial, 'Redemption, Rehabilitation and Basic Human Rights' The Independent (London, 22 August 2007) 3.
3 H Young, 'Battle of Snakes and Ladders' The Guardian (London, 25 July 1996) 15.
List Editorials alphabetically under Editorial. If there is no author list alphabetically by first word/s of title:
Editorial, 'Redemption, Rehabilitation and Basic Human Rights' The Independent (London, 22 August 2007) 3
Young H, 'Battle of Snakes and Ladders' The Guardian (London, 25 July 1996) 15
- Information about arranging the bibliography.
- Treat multiple authors in the same way as multiple authors of books. If there is no author, begin the footnote with the title.
- Do not use a full stop at the end of the bibliography entries.
Reference: Faculty of Law, University of Oxford, OSCOLA: Oxford Standard for the Citation of Legal Authorities (4th edn Oxford University 2010) 42.