OSCOLA referencing style is used when submitting work for a module for the School of Law. Due to the complexity of particular sources, some entries are very detailed. Make sure to fully read each page.
When there are more than one citation for a case, use the most authoritative.
For information about case citation hierarchy, see Law reports: Hierarchy and the status of authorities by LexisNexisUK Blogs, 26 Jun 2014: https://www.lexisnexis.co.uk/blog/dispute-resolution/law-reports-status-of-authorities
Neutral citations
Neutral citations for cases were introduced from 2001 to recognise the extensive use of electronic law reports, and cite only the parties, year of the judgement, the court and the case number.
Where a neutral citation is available (post 2001), give that first followed by the most authoritative source for a case reported in several sources.
If the case appears in Westlaw, simply use the first two citations given on the case analysis page.
For the "best" available source for your law report, provide a neutral citation for cases after 2001 then cite the most authoritative source, i.e. the Official Law Reports (Appeal Cases, Queen's Bench etc.). The Weekly Law Reports are the next best, then the All England Reports. If your case is only reported in a specialist series such as the Family Law Reports, this is then the accepted best citation.