! Please note: this page is currently being revised. The information below may not be entirely up to date.


Display space

Do you have photographs, art, poster displays or hobby crafts you would like to exhibit?  We are always on the lookout for new displays and exhibits - anything with a visual appeal that you feel passionately about or think might interest or educate other people.  We are really happy to help you think about what your display might look like, put it up and take it down afterwards. 

The Library is one of the busiest venues of campus and your display will enjoy attractive natural lighting and a high footfall of visitors.  Any student, staff member or person associated with the University can display their work.  If you are thinking about putting together a display we would love to hear from you, so please get in touch.

Details and dimensions of our display boards and cabinets are available as a downloadable pdf guide.

Follow the links below for photographs of recent displays.  Older exhibitions can be found in our archives.

Visualising the Lives of LGBTIQ Roma

The lived experiences and images of lesbian, gay, bi, trans, intersex and queer (LGBTIQ) Roma remain invisible to many people, Roma and non-Roma alike. Simultaneously, LGBTIQ Roma are the subject of a plethora of anti-Romani, homo/transphobic and other stereotypes. By showcasing photographs produced by LGBTIQ Roma research participants as part of this research project, the exhibition not only offers an insight into the lives of LGBTIQ Roma. It also seeks to demonstrate to various audiences ways in which they wish to be represented.

Click here for more images of the latest Gypsy, Roma, Traveller History Month Display.  This display will expand to include Roma and Traveller art in the cabinets later in June, so watch this space for developments!

LGBTQIA+ Roma, one in a Rainbow dress, sat in front of a screen showing historical footage of traditionally presenting Roma

Display space map

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