OSCOLA referencing style is used when submitting work for a module for the School of Law.  Due to the complexity of particular sources, some entries are very detailed.  Make sure to fully read each page.

This is an interpretation of OSCOLA guidance. Check with your lecturer before using this suggestion, which is based on OSCOLA's guiding principles of consistency and consideration for the reader.


Generally, there is no need to give details of the database you have used unless the origin of the source affects your reference (e.g you are unable to pinpoint as no page numbers are available or the database notes illustrations/diagrams are not available).


Databases such as Westlaw & Lexis Library usually give identical text and page numbers to the printed journal article, but adopt their own format so that the page numbers may be harder to spot. Reference the journal article in the same way as the printed version but take extra care to identify the starting page number and any pinpoint references.


Other databases may show identical text but only the first page number, so it is impossible to provide a pinpoint page (although it may be possible to provide a pinpoint paragraph). In either case, include the name of the database and the date it was accessed in the reference. 


Footnote form

If page numbering is clearly shown (even if not in page format):

Author, 'Article Title' [(Year of publication in square or round brackets as needed)] Volume/Issue/Part number if necessary Title of journal first page number of article, pinpoint page.


If page numbering is not shown and articles are obviously longer than a single page:

Author, 'Article Title' [(Year of publication in square or round brackets as above)] Volume/Issue/Part number if necessary (see advice above) Title of journal (abbreviated as above) first page number of article, pinpoint page or pinpoint paragraph e.g. para/s Name of database accessed date as day Month year.


For examples, click on the More button.


Footnote examples

Article from Westlaw

Paul Almond, 'Public Perceptions of Work-Related Fatality Cases: Reaching the Outer Limits of "Populist Punitiveness"?' [2008] Brit J Criminol 468, 477.

Westlaw uses an asterisk, the abbreviated title and a page number in green at every page break, so use those page numbers. There is no need to include details of the database.


Article from Lexis Library

C Crosby, 'Recklessness the Continuing Search for a Definition' [2008] JoCL 313, 314.

David Burrows, 'An Unhappy Witness' NLJ 160(7408) 370, 372.

Lexis gives the abbreviated journal title, volume/issue and page number in pale grey at every page break, so use those page numbers. There is no need to include details of the database. 



Information about how to arrange the bibliography.



  • Treat multiple authors in the same way as multiple authors of books. If there is no author, follow the same example as book with no author.

Reference: Faculty of Law, University of Oxford, OSCOLA: Oxford Standard for the Citation of Legal Authorities (4th edn Oxford University 2010) 37-38.