OSCOLA referencing style is used when submitting work for a module for the School of Law.  Due to the complexity of particular sources, some entries are very detailed.  Make sure to fully read each page.

Book with single author
Footnote standard form

Author (Initials or forename unpunctuated followed by Surname), Title (additional information, edition if later than first, Publisher publication year) page if required.


Book with multiple authors
Footnote standard form

Two authors:

Author 1 and Author 2 (Initials or Forename unpunctuated followed by Surname in each case), Title of Book (additional information, edition if later than first Publisher publication year) page number if required.

Three authors:

Author 1, Author 2 and Author 3 (Initials or Forename unpunctuated followed by Surname name in each case), Title of Book (additional information, edition if later than first Publisher publication year) page number if required.

Four or more authors:

Author 1 and others, (Initials or Forename unpunctuated followed by Surname name all other authors abbreviated to 'and others'), Title of Book (additional information, edition if later than first, Publisher publication year) page number if required.


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Book with single author
Footnote examples

Doreen J McBarnet, Conviction: Law, the State and the Construction of Justice (Oxford socio-legal studies, Macmillan 1981) 67.

Gareth Jones, Goff and Jones: The Law of Restitution (1st supp, 7th edn, Sweet & Maxwell 2009).

3 Ian J Lloyd, Information Technology Law (9th edn, OUP 2020) 28.

J Peeler, Building Democracy in Latin America (2nd edn, Lynne Reiner 2004) 21.


Book with multiple authors
Footnote examples

1 MH Moore and others, Dangerous Offenders: the Elusive Target of Justice (Harvard University Press 1984).

2 Stephen W Mayson, Derek French and Christopher L Ryan, Mayson, French & Ryan on Company Law (36th edn, Blackstone 2019) 22.

3 W Strunk and EB White, The Elements of Style (3rd edn, Macmillan 1979) 16-18.



Jones G, Goff and Jones: The Law of Restitution (1st supp, 7th edn, Sweet & Maxwell 2009)
Lloyd IJ, Information Technology Law (9th edn, OUP 2020)
McBarnet DJ, Conviction: Law, the State and the Construction of Justice (Oxford socio-legal studies, Macmillan 1981)
Mayson SW, French D and Ryan CL, Mayson, French & Ryan on Company Law (36th edn, Blackstone 2019)
Moore MH and others, Dangerous Offenders: the Elusive Target of Justice (Harvard University Press 1984)
Peeler J, Building Democracy in Latin America (2nd edn, Lynne Reiner 2004)


Reference: Faculty of Law, University of Oxford, OSCOLA: Oxford Standard for the Citation of Legal Authorities (4th edn Oxford University 2010) 34-36.