OSCOLA referencing style is used when submitting work for a module for the School of Law.  Due to the complexity of particular sources, some entries are very detailed.  Make sure to fully read each page.

If an ebook is by a corporate author and looks different from a printed version (e.g. no page numbers), follow the below guidance and combine with the guidance for Books: Paper v Electronic.

Footnote standard form

Author, Title (additional information, Edition if later than first, Publisher Publication year) page if required.

For examples, click on the More button.


Footnote examples

1 American Psychological Association, Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (5th edn, Author 2001).

2 University of Oxford: Faculty of Law, OSCOLA 2006: The Oxford Standard for the Citation of Legal Authorities (Oxford University 2006).

University of Portsmouth: Centre for Coastal Zone Management, Best Practice Guide for the Preparation of Coastal Zone Management Plans: Tender Submitted by the Centre for Coastal Zone Management, University of Portsmouth (University of Portsmouth Enterprise Ltd 1995) 10.



Information about arranging the bibliography.



  • If a book has a title and a subtitle, use the existing punctuation. Where there is none, insert a colon.
  • If there is no author, begin the footnote with the title.

    Reference: Faculty of Law, University of Oxford, OSCOLA: Oxford Standard for the Citation of Legal Authorities (4th edn Oxford University 2010) 33-34.