APA 7th Edition is the most commonly used referencing style here at the University of Portsmouth. Below you will find general guidance on how to reference and cite using APA 7th Edition, as well as examples for the specific sources you are likely to use in your assignments. 

Your department or lecturer may prefer you to reference sources differently from the guidance given here. Always follow the requirements of your department or lecturer. 

External visitors are welcome to use this guide, but note that your institution's requirements may differ from those suggested here.

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If, after looking at this guidance, you are still stuck, then we can help. If you have a quick question then chat to us online, and if you need more help then you can Book an online APA 7 referencing appointment.



Tribunals do not fall under the pre/post 2001 formatting as tribunal cases are seen below the High Court.  The outcome of a tribunal case may be published in a law report  but if a case is not published in a law report, cite the tribunal outcome like an unreported case with the case number.




 Stephen Laughton v Information Commissioner [2024] UKFTT 390 (GRC).  https://uk.westlaw.com


In-text Cite

 Stephen Laughton v Information Commissioner [2024]...


... identified in Stephen Laughton [2024]...



Case name [Year] Tribunal court abbreviation case number.



Stacey Macken v BNP Paribas London Branch [2019] UKEAT 2208142/2017 & 2205586/2018.  https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/media/5d766f1f40f0b62603c4b58b/Ms_S_Macken_-v-_BNP_Paribas_London_Branch_-_Case_Number_2208142_2017___others_-_Full.pdf


In-text Citation

Stacey Macken v BNP Paribas London Branch [2019]...  


... as shown in Stacey Macken [2019]...